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1Information Empty Information Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:52 pm



The Council of Heads of State defines the Adonian Community's overall political direction and priorities. It is not one of the AC's legislating institutions, so does not negotiate or adopt AC resolutions. Instead it sets the AC's policy agenda, traditionally by adopting 'conclusions' during Council meetings which identify issues of concern and actions to take.

The members of the Council of Heads of State are the heads of state or government of the AC member states, the Council of Heads of State President and the Secretary-General of the Adonian Community.

The Council of Heads of State mostly takes its decisions by consensus. However, if a vote is called on issues, it decides by qualified two-third majority.

If a vote is taken, neither the Council of Heads of State President nor the Secretary-General take part.

Meetings of the Council of Heads of State usually take place four times a year in [SEAT OF THE AC]. Meetings traditionally last for five days, sometimes even longer when contentious issues are on the agenda.

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